Original Research

Performance-based financing for monitoring and evaluation of health system in Cameroon

Zakariaou Njoumemi, Altine Fadimatou
African Evaluation Journal | Vol 1, No 1 | a22 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/aej.v1i1.22 | © 2013 Zakariaou Njoumemi, Altine Fadimatou | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 31 March 2013 | Published: 07 October 2013

About the author(s)

Zakariaou Njoumemi, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Yaounde I, Cameroon Development Evaluation Association (CaDEA), Yaounde and Development Evaluation and Health Economics Research Group (HEREG) Yaounde, Cameroon
Altine Fadimatou, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Yaounde I and Development Evaluation and Health Economics Research Group (HEREG) Yaounde, Cameroon


Objective: To describe the context of, types of and approaches to monitoring and evaluation and the stakeholders’ perceptions of Performance-based financing (PBF) in Cameroon.

Methods: This research used secondary data, both qualitative and quantitative, from the PBF monitoring and evaluation plan, reports and documents, and information from 380 qualitative interviews of stakeholders. Data was analysed using a systematic process of triangulation of responses in tabular form to assess the contribution of PBF towards strengthening the national system of monitoring and evaluation. Descriptive statistics were presented in form of frequencies.

Results: The context of decentralisation and results-based management put monitoring and evaluation at the centre of public policy actions. Performance is measured in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, equity, accountability and transparency. The expected effect of PBF is not to reinforce the monitoring and evaluation system but to increase its performance. In conception, the design of PBF relies on substantial efforts of systematic monitoring and evaluation that can strengthen the national health system. The PBF brought changes to all the organisational systems of the supply of health services according to the monitoring and evaluation objectives, which were aligned to those of the national health system and management health information. Stakeholders were positive about the resulting performance of the central tool for monitoring and evaluation of PBF.

Conclusion: Several types of monitoring and evaluation are conducted in the implementation of the PBF scheme, showing great potential to strengthen the national system through the harmonisation and standardisation of indicators and norms at all levels of the national health system pyramid.


Financement, Performance, Suivi-Evaluation, Système de Santé, Cameroun


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Crossref Citations

1. The factors that influence performance-based financing in primary health care provision in Muramvya province, Burundi
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