Members of the Editorial Team


Mjiba Frehiwot  0000-0002-9918-3470 University of Ghana, Ghana



Associate Editor

Carren Duffy  0000-0001-7597-9709 School of Management Studies, Commerce Faculty, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Jean Providence Nzabonimpa  0000-0001-8058-2562 United Nations World Food Programme, Southern Africa Regional Bureau, Johannesburg, South Africa
Umali Saidi  0000-0002-6237-6789 Midlands State University, Zimbabwe
Ndumiso Tshuma  0000-0001-8689-9771 Best Health Solution, South Africa



Editorial Board

Mark Abrahams  0000-0001-8875-5421 Southern Hemisphere Consulting and Development Services, South Africa
Doha Abdelhamid  0000-0003-4299-9732 University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa; and, Carleton University, Egypt
Thomas Archibald  0000-0002-3567-9143 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, United States of America
Ian Hopwood  ORCID is currently unavailable. Senegalese Evaluation Association (SenEval); and, Sciences Po Paris School of International Affairs, France
Rodney K. Hopson  0000-0002-1641-2806 School of Education Faculty, American University, Washington, United States of America
Mahesh Patel  ORCID is currently unavailable. African Evaluation Association, United States of America
Michele Tarsilla  0000-0002-5062-1935 UNICEF Evaluation Office, New York, United States of America
Gert van der Westhuizen  0000-0002-4472-652X University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Nermine Wally  ORCID is currently unavailable. United Nations Development Programme, Arab States, Egypt