Original Research

La Contribution de la Qualité dans l’Education Pour Tous En Afrique Subsaharienne: Une analyse basée sur l’approche Shapley-Owen-Shorrocks

Romuald Foueka
African Evaluation Journal | Vol 5, No 2 | a133 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/aej.v5i2.133 | © 2017 Romuald Foueka | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 28 March 2015 | Published: 13 November 2017

About the author(s)

Romuald Foueka, Université François Rabelais de Tours, France; Université de Yaoundé II, Cameroon


The contribution of school quality in education for all in sub-Saharan Africa: An analysis based on the Shappley-Owen-Shorrocks approach

Background: It became clear that in African countries, the right to education should not be limited to the right to be admitted to school. From then, the challenge of improving education in sub-Saharan Africa has not only a quantitative dimension but also a qualitative dimension.

Objectives: Thus, our study’s main objective was to estimate the contribution of the quality of education in the development of education for all (EFA) in sub-Saharan African countries.

Method: From the EDI (EFA Development Index) developed by UNESCO, we used the SHAPLEY-OWEN-SHORROCKS (SOS) approach to appreciate the impact of each component of this index: universal primary education, adult literacy, gender parity and especially the ‘quality of education’ component that seems increasingly act favourably on economic development in developing countries. The data used were secondary data compiled in the global reports on the monitoring of EFA produced each year since 2002. We collected data for 12 Francophone countries in Africa Sub-Sahara.

Results: Our results showed that, over the period 1998–2011, the different components of FDI had various and varied contributions. In descending order of contribution to the achievement of universal education objective, we have: the enrolment rate (49%), the index on the Gender (21%), the literacy rate (20%) and last place the quality of education (10%).

Conclusion: Thus, these results suggested that the quality of education marginally contributed to human development in various African countries.


Education pour tous; Qualité de l’éducation; Indice de Développement de l’EPT; valeur SHAPLEY; Afrique subsaharienne


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