Original Research - Special Collection: Addressing Knowledge Asymmetries

Asia Pacific world views in evaluation: Inspiring regional culturally responsive practice

Kathryn T. Dinh
African Evaluation Journal | Vol 12, No 2 | a732 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/aej.v12i2.732 | © 2024 Kathryn T. Dinh | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 26 January 2024 | Published: 20 June 2024

About the author(s)

Kathryn T. Dinh, Lotus Evaluation, Sydney, Australia


Background: This article pays tribute to Dr Sulley Gariba, a pioneer of global and African evaluation, by examining the growing movement of culturally responsive evaluation (CRE) and culturally responsive Indigenous evaluation (CRIE) in the Asia Pacific.

Objectives: The article aims to describe initiatives to increase awareness and uptake of CRE and CRIE as well as good practice examples across the Asia Pacific.

Method: A literature review was conducted guided by evaluation, CRE and CRIE experts.

Results: While Western-derived evaluation practice still dominates the region, particularly in international development, there are increasing examples of CRE and CRIE in the Asia Pacific. The movement to mainstream CRE and CRIE is redressing decades of colonisation and power imbalances in the Asia Pacific and such approaches will in turn, contribute to decolonising policy and practice.

Conclusion: Integrating CRE and CRIE into mainstream evaluation practice in the Asia Pacific will play a vital role in ensuring that evaluation contributes to meaningful, culturally relevant and appropriate improvements in people’s lives.

Contribution: This article contributes to inter-regional awareness of, and learning about, CRE and CRIE by sharing perspectives and good practice from the Asia Pacific.


culturally responsive evaluation; Asia; Pacific; Indigenous; world views; culture; decolonisation; localisation.


Total abstract views: 798
Total article views: 559


Crossref Citations

1. Editorial: Addressing knowledge asymmetries in memory of Dr Sulley Gariba
Mark Abrahams, Florence Etta, Mjiba Frehiwot, Eddah Kanini, Jean P. Nzabonimpa, Nicola Theunissen
African Evaluation Journal  vol: 12  issue: 2  year: 2024  
doi: 10.4102/aej.v12i2.762