About the Author(s)

Mark N. Mulobi Email symbol
African Evaluation Association (AfrEA), Accra, Ghana

African Evaluation Association (AfrEA) Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEE) Network, Accra, Ghana

Africa Gender and Development Evaluators Network (AGDEN), Niarobi, Kenya


Mulobi, M.N., 2024, ‘A tribute to Dr Sulley Gariba, his impact on global youth engagement in evaluation’, African Evaluation Journal 12(2), a733. https://doi.org/10.4102/aej.v12i2.733

In memorial:
Dr Sulley Gariba

Note: Special Collection: Addressing Knowledge Asymmetries.


A tribute to Dr Sulley Gariba, his impact on global youth engagement in evaluation

Mark N. Mulobi

Received: 29 Jan. 2024; Accepted: 13 Mar. 2024; Published: 20 June 2024

Copyright: © 2024. The Author(s). Licensee: AOSIS.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

In the realm of evaluation, Dr. Sulley Gariba’s legacy reverberates far beyond a distinguished career. We pay homage to his pivotal role in transforming youth engagement in evaluation, particularly on the African continent, under the theme ‘Addressing Knowledge Asymmetries’.

A global visionary

Dr. Gariba’s influence transcended borders. His commitment to nurturing young evaluators extended beyond theoretical knowledge, exemplified by his insistence on bringing mentees to the International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET). Through such initiatives, he not only bridged knowledge gaps but also empowered emerging talent to contribute meaningfully to the field.

Mentorship and advocacy

A mentor and advocate, Dr. Gariba created an inclusive environment. His championing of events like IPDET provided young evaluators with platforms to present their work, fostering a culture of learning and collaboration. His approachable nature and active engagement within the African Evaluation Association’s Young and Emerging Evaluators (AfrEA YEE) network created a community where voices were valued.

Global outreach and impact

In 2019, Dr. Gariba played a central role in launching the Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEE) initiative in Abidjan, showcasing his commitment to global inclusivity. His involvement in evaluation initiatives in Canada further emphasised his dedication to embracing evaluators from different continents, promoting diversity and ensuring a global perspective in evaluation practices.

The transformative power of education

Dr. Gariba’s unwavering support for IPDET showcased his belief in the transformative power of education. As an instructor and guest lecturer, even during his tenure as Ghana’s High Commissioner to Canada, he actively contributed to shaping the next generation of evaluation leaders. His commitment to knowledge exchange and capacity building was unwavering.

Flourishing community

Under Dr. Gariba’s leadership, the AfrEA YEE Network thrived. He cultivated an inclusive and collaborative environment, where YEEs felt heard and valued. His approachability fostered a sense of community, promoting the exchange of ideas and experiences.

Inspirational leadership

Dr. Gariba’s passion for evaluation was contagious. His tireless dedication inspired countless young individuals to pursue careers in evaluation. By sharing his journey and experiences, he ignited a spark in the hearts of YEEs, motivating them to contribute meaningfully to positive change on the African continent.

Enduring legacy

In summary, Dr. Sulley Gariba’s multifaceted role (Figure 1) in youth engagement on the African continent leaves an indelible mark on the field of evaluation. His mentorship, advocacy and inspirational leadership have not only strengthened the AfrEA YEE network but have also paved the way for a new generation of evaluators eager to address knowledge asymmetries. Dr. Sulley Gariba’s impact resonates globally, reflecting his enduring legacy in the realm of evaluation. As we remember and celebrate his life, let us continue to build upon the foundation he laid, ensuring that knowledge is a shared asset, accessible to all and utilised for positive change.

FIGURE 1: A photo montage featuring Dr Sulley Gariba alongside loved ones, companions, and professional peers.

Echoing his words, ‘We need to engage more broadly in participatory evaluations with people in poverty, along with people who make the policies that affect the lives of the poor’.1 This clarion call underscores the importance of inclusive and participatory evaluations, which were at the core of Dr. Gariba’s work. By embracing this approach, we can truly harness the transformative power of evaluation to uplift communities and drive positive social.




Crossref Citations

1. Editorial: Addressing knowledge asymmetries in memory of Dr Sulley Gariba
Mark Abrahams, Florence Etta, Mjiba Frehiwot, Eddah Kanini, Jean P. Nzabonimpa, Nicola Theunissen
African Evaluation Journal  vol: 12  issue: 2  year: 2024  
doi: 10.4102/aej.v12i2.762