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Archive of Published Issues: 2024

Front Matter

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Metadata associated with this Archival Unit includes:

Journal URL https://aejonline.org/index.php/aej
Title African Evaluation Journal
Publisher AOSIS
Description The African Evaluation Journal publishes high quality peer-reviewed articles of merit on any subject related to evaluation, and provide targeted information of professional interest to members of AfrEA and its national associations and evaluators across the globe.
Keywords evaluation; development; system; data; capital; social; change; Africa; human; health; investment; research; policy; monitoring; government; indicator; growth; study; economic; level; information; report; country; access; programme; approach; management; measurement; practice; need; process; framework; result; use; education; outcome; capacity; original; investing; organisation; sustainable; theory; sector; progress; improved; climate; intervention; measure; group; challenge; time; analyse; service; implementation; service; support; fund; review; international; resource; market; business; external; evidence; key; staff; public; investor; stakeholder; model; financial; household; adaptation; labour; performance; activity; plan; assurance; survey; industry; productivity
Language(s) English (en_US)
Publisher Email submissions@aejonline.org

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